2024-07-03 14:57

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Twelfth Annual National Joint RM/CWU Dog Awareness Week

1st - 7th July 2024

CWU Calls on next UK government to toughen up Dog Control Law and Police Enforcement as The Union and Royal Mail today launch their 2024 Annual Dog Awareness Week:

Over 2,200 Postmen and Women were attacked and injured by Dogs last year.

For the second year running there was a 15% increase in Dog Attacks with attacks now averaging 42 Dog Attacks a week on CWU Member Postal Workers.

Dave Joyce, the Union's outgoing and only National Health, Safety, and Environment Officer will be retiring on 31sy July and his department disposed off. But Dave could not go without allerting the membership to this week's Dog Awareness Week which he pioneered long ago, both with the employer RMG and in Parliament.

Dave writes:

“The key objective of Dog Awareness Week is primarily to remind the public to be aware of their legal and moral responsibilities to control their dogs and prevent dog attacks on postal workers who are providing them with a great public service. Dog owners need to understand the often-devastating impact of dog attacks on postmen and postwomen and take proper measures to ensure their pets pose no threat to delivery postal workers through responsible dog ownership."

In backing up that statement, he added:

“Dog Attacks in the UK is a ‘National Crisis’ and remains a major safety hazard and concern for postmen and women who are in the front line, as it does for the public and the scale of the problem shouldn’t be underestimated by anyone. Yet again we’ve seen an increase in dog attacks on postal workers which has risen by 15% for the second year running across the nation.”

Dave provides the facts regarding dangerous dog attacks which are alarming to say the least:

  • Twelfth annual National Joint RM/CWU Dog Awareness Week, runs from 1-7 July and encourages responsible dog ownership.

  • 2,206 Royal Mail postmen and postwomen were attacked by dogs in the year ending 31 March 2024.

  • This is a 15% increase on the previous year – (a 15% increase for the second year running).

  • On average 42 delivery postal workers are attacked by dogs every week.

  • 148% increase dog attacks causing serious and significant injury to postal workers.

  • 80% of dog attacks take place at the front door, on the garden path, drive or yard.

  • 390 dog bite injuries suffered through the letterbox. (1000 postmen/women have had a finger or part finger bitten off through the letterbox in the last 5 years).

  • There are approximately 13.5 million pet dogs in the UK, according to UK Pet Food’s Pet Data Report 2024.

  • Animal welfare experts and Medical Experts keep warning of an epidemic of dog attacks as the number of adults admitted to hospital for dog bites has tripled in the last 20 years.

  • Dog Bite hospital treatment costs the NHS around £75 million a year. (A bill footed by the taxpayer and not dog owners).

  • NHS data shows that more than 10,000 people a year need hospital treatment after a dog attack.

  • Alder Hay Children’s Hospital reported the number of children admitted following dog attacks had surged by 70%.

  • There have been 73 recorded dog attack deaths in the UK from 1981 to June 2023.

  • 29 people have been mauled to death by dogs in the last three years.

Given that this is also the week of a General Election, Dave reminds us that the next Government cannot get away from the fact that the situation in the UK with regard to injuries and deaths from dangerous dog attacks, can no longer be allowed to increase and that the law needs to be strengthened and appropriately applied and enforced.

Dave said:

“The incoming new UK government needs to prioritise firm action on dog control or continue to face a rapidly growing explosion in deaths and injuries. We continue to see a very concerning increase in Dog bite incidents and severe dog attacks and the steep upwards trend constitutes a growing risk  to the safety and health of postal workers who serve all of the Country’s 32 million addresses daily, unlike any other workforce.”

He added:

“The BMJ has reported that dog bite hospital attendances have increased 88% in the past 15 years in the UK, and UK Police forces have recorded 29 Dog Attack deaths in the last 5 years.”

Furthermore, the Dog ownership in the UK is increasing, and as Dave points out:

“The Pet Food Manufacturers Association say 34 per cent of UK homes now own a dog taking the country's dog population to 13.5 million. Therefore, responsible dog ownership and customers securing their dogs when taking mail and parcel deliveries is more important than ever.”

The CWU through Dave's 'Bite Back Campaign' has pointed out for many long years that the injuries and deaths from dog attacks is in need of stringent action via laws that are up to the problem and that Parliament need to recognise that existing dangerous dogs laws are not up to the challenge of curtailing the terrible statistics that are increasing year by year.

Dave on behalf of the CWU has given evidence to Parliamentary select committees looking into Dangerous Dogs legislation, and has also worked with the Scottish Government on their concerns with legal changes being necessary.

Dave reminds us of this, saying:

"The CWU ‘Bite-Back’ Campaign which won major changes to the Dangerous Dogs Act in 2014, extending the law to Private Property in order to protect Postal Workers has not solved the problem say the CWU. The lack of Police and Crown Prosecution Service enforcement has undermined the powerful legal changes combined with the lack of effective sentencing in cases that do reach the courts.

Too many victims are seriously injured and killed in dog attacks in the UK and it must be addressed as victims, including too many postal workers are being denied justice.”

“The public need to be aware that if their dog attacks a postal worker, they can be prosecuted either by the police, local authority or by Royal Mail via a private prosecution." Dave said, before adding:

“The CWU has called on all political parties that whoever forms the next government following the 4 July general election needs to take firm action on dog control law and police enforcement plus the Courts need to hand down effective sentences which are within their power but not utilised.”

The CWU ‘Bite-Back’ Campaign which won major changes to the Dangerous Dogs Act in 2014, extending the law to Private Property in order to protect Postal Workers has not solved the problem say the CWU. The lack of Police and Crown Prosecution Service enforcement has undermined the powerful legal changes combined with the lack of effective sentencing in cases that do reach the courts.

“Too many victims are seriously injured and killed in dog attacks in the UK and it must be addressed as victims, including too many postal workers are being denied justice.” said Dave.

The Union is having to continue to campaign for further legal changes to the DDA, tougher enforcement by the police which is currently not good enough and tougher sentencing by the courts who are failing to use their sentencing powers leading to victims being denied justice.

The CWU wants to see irresponsible dog owners who fail to control and secure their animals, allowing dog attacks on Postal Workers prosecuted and handed down a sentence that fits the crime along with destruction, disqualification, compensation and control orders.

The Courts can order prison sentences of up to 5 years and unlimited fines for aggravated injury causing dog attack offences like those we see too often (and up to 14 years in the case of death). However, the full power of the sentences and ancillary orders available to the courts are not being fully used by Magistrates and Crown Court Judges.

30 dog attack private prosecutions taken by Royal Mail/CWU in cases in which the police refused to prosecute all ended with the dog owner being found guilty. Two cases thrown out of court one in a Magistrates Court and one in a Crown Court were taken to the Appeal Court by Royal Mail supported by the CWU and both appeals were successful in overturning the wrongful acquittals at Magistrates Court/Crown Court level.

Dave concludes by suggesting some tips for Dog owners:

Even the most lovable dog can be a danger to postal staff. Dogs are territorial by nature and if they feel they need to protect their family, they can become unpredictable.

Here are some ideas to help your postman or postwoman deliver your post in safety:

•  Many dog attacks happen when you open the door. Put your dog in a secure room before opening the door to collect and sign for mail and parcels or in a secure back garden.

•  Never open the door when your dog is behind loose behind you.

•  If you have a back garden, please close off the access, in case your dog could get around to the front when the postman or postwoman calls.

•  Make sure children don’t open the door to the Postmen or Woman, as dogs can push by them and attack.

•  Give your dog some food or a toy to occupy them while your mail is being delivered.

•  Wait 10 minutes after your mail has arrived before letting your dog back into your hallway. Keep everything as calm and low-key as possible.

•  If your dog likes to attack your mail when it comes through the letterbox, consider installing a wire letter cage/receptacle. It will protect your post, and the postman’s or postwoman’s fingers.

•  If it’s not practical for you to keep your dog away from a postman or postwoman delivering your mail, please consider fitting a secure mailbox on the edge of your property.

Finally, the Unionsafety E-Library contains numerous documents and CWU dangerous Dogs Campaign material which can be downloaded and printed up for noticeboards and local publicity around the issues and includes precautionary measures that can be taken by dog owners, and delivery workers in both the Royal Mail and Openreach/BT.

Search category Dangerous Dogs here

Source: Dave Joyce / CWU / unionsafety


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